Saturday, 11 April 2015

Samsung Galaxy S4 Lollipop update released by AT&T

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Lollipop release will start in the United States today and it’s landing for the one major carrier that has yet to roll out its Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop update. That carrier? AT&T.
Here are the highlights
  • Songs, photos, apps, and even recent searches from one Android device can be immediately enjoyed across all of your Android devices.
  • New User Interface look and feel, more fluid motions
  • Priority mode to only allow certain notifications to get through
  • Battery saving features and remaining time left to charge or deplete indicators
  • Smart Lock to secure phone or tablet by pairing it with a trusted device like a wearable or car
  • Most frequently used settings available with just two swipes down from the top screen
    Details at:
The download comes in at 947MB, and you must grab it via Wi-Fi. After applying the update, your phone will run Android 5.0.1, build number LRX22C.1337UCUGOC3.
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